Shipping & delivery

Shipping time and cost

Shipping time and cost
1) After an order has been successfully paid and confirmed, you will see the estimated delivery time and cost for shipping on your order confirmation page. You will also receive an order confirmation message that will outline the estimated processing time for your order.

2) The warehouse may take 1-3 days to process your order. You will receive a message once your order has been shipped.

3) You'll receive a shipment notification message that will provide you with the estimated delivery time for each package once it is shipped. We will also provide you the tracking number when it is ready. You can view this estimated delivery time under each package in your order history at the same time.

4) In most cases, your order will be delivered within the estimated time of delivery. However, the actual delivery date may be affected by flight arrangements, weather conditions, and other external factors. Please refer to the tracking information for the most up to date delivery date.

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